This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Push Notifications Lite


+300 Custom Theme variations for widget and popup (colors and icons)

Push Notifications plugin for WordPress. Allow to send Push Notifications to authorized and anonymous users to your WP-site users desktop and mobile device, if even they are out of site. Notifications looks like, that Facebook send and providing by Google Cloud Message API. Perfectly works with both HTTP and HTTPS sites. Installs and setup like anyelse WordPress plugin – acivate and print settings – that is all (no more extra works needed).

Watch screenshots to know how widget looks like

This is Lite version of plugin, get Advanced version by this url Emrys Forge Site

Push Notifications Features

  • Wakeup “sleeping” customers
  • Rise Conversion
  • Catch visitors and turn them to customers
  • Improve time on site
  • Improve customer service
  • Return users to your site
  • Send important info to visitors
  • Works with HTTPS and HTTP websites
  • Auto subscription feature
  • Store Subscribers in Cloud (you will never lost them)
  • Store Notifications in Cloud
  • Real-Time view/click analytics
  • Subscription Widget
  • Theming options
  • UTM Support
  • Duplicate notifications protection
  • No subscription payments – pay once for cloud server and use for unlimited subscribers and notifications forever
  • More that 60 wp-actions to send notification
  • 3ed party plugins support (supports plugins, which provide wordpress custom public post types)
  • Notification customization: title, text, icon, on click redirect
  • Triggers to customize notifications with dynamic user and post data (like neme, title, content, ect.)
  • Dynamic links and icons replacement with current post/comment/user data


  • Chrome, Firefox, Opera
  • Windows, Linux
  • Android


  • WordPress 🙂

Actions listing

WordPress mass notifications:
* Post created, updated, trashed, ect.
* Comments new/update
* User register and login
WordPress personal notifications:
* User’s posts publish, updated, commented, ect.
* Comment moderated
* User login/register
WordPress schedule notifications:
* Time interval mass notifications
* Time/date schedule [new]

Only in Advanced version

Ultimate member [new]
* Basic: profile view, profile edit [new]
* Activity: new, comment, updated, reported [new]
* Private Messaging [new]
* Notices Addon [new]
* Following [new]
* Reviews [new]
* Verification [new]
Woocommerce notifications:
* On add to cart and proceed checkout
* On “thank you” page
* On new product
* On update product
* On trash product
* Woocommerce Order Status Change
bbPress notifications:
* On new/update/trash Topics
* On new/update/trash Replies
* On new/update/trash Forums
BuddyPress Activity notifications:
* Any activity posts: xprofile, friendship, regular acivities, group records
* Read BuddyPress Activity documentation for more information
* Any other plugins, that provide WordPress public post types
* User Role Condition (limit notification by role) [new]
* WordPress default roles [new]
* Ultimate Member roles [new]


  • Popup
  • Http
  • Https


Download plugin
Place plugin to wp-content/plugins directory
Activate plugin
Go to WP-Admin — Settings — Push Notifications Lite
And follow the instruction

Create Notification
Go to WP-Admin — Push Notifications — Add notification
Follow the inline tooltips
Publish Push Notification


2016-12-30 4 replies
giuseppecuttone mejora este problema que presenta el software que implementaste, yo no recomiendo bajo ningun punto tu plugin. Perdí mi tiempo en tu software. Saludos del país de MESSI. ¡¡¡ARGENTINA!! The worst of the worst: $ 3.99 just to test the software, it’s a waste of time. ATTENTION: Install another plugin to avoid wasting time with obsolete software not useful. I do not recommend it, I lost my super important time with obsolete software like this one, it does not allow to make free use, but taking into account that it is not useful if it does not own a free segment. License required, not useful to prove, not useful to work, denotes little seriousness. ATTENTION: Install another plugin to avoid wasting time with obsolete software not useful. No professional Plugins Not recommended. Install other plugins this is only payment and very, very, very limited. I will install a pluin that will allow me to install free license and free of charge regardless of if it is somewhat limited. ATTENTION: Install another plugin to avoid wasting time with obsolete software not useful. Best regards from Posadas, Misiones, Argentina. 😉
2016-12-01 3 replies
This is the best push notification plugin. You can set it in 10 minuts using service, and with a very very few money you can have very best features like: auto subscribers, buddypress compatibility, and so on… Very good support and very kindly people. Only one word: “AMAZING”.
Read all 3 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Push Notifications Lite” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Plugin released at